Lisa Trombley Enters the Race for the 103rd
“I will be a fighter for Michigan families, small businesses, and our Great Lakes.”
For Immediate Release Contact: Lisa Trombley
November 9, 2023 Email: Lisa@VoteTrombley.com
Traverse City, MI – Former Grand Traverse County Republican Chair Lisa Trombley has entered the race for the 103rd House district.
Lisa is an accomplished executive with strategic vision and a record of results. She has extensive experience defining and implementing strategy, executing operating plans and budgets, and optimizing performance and service delivery.
“I will be a fighter for Michigan families, small businesses, agriculture and our Great Lakes. We have seen what the liberal majority in Lansing has done over the past 11 months, putting special interest groups ahead of we the people. We need a representative that will look out for northern Michigan values, not the agendas of Gretchen Whitmer and Dana Nessel,” said Trombley.
Lisa is running for a seat that is currently held by Rep. Betsy Coffia.
“Coffia has been a rubber stamp for the far left agenda which takes parents out of schools, strips our Second Amendment rights, and makes it hard for our tourism industry to thrive,” said Trombley.
Lisa Trombley lives in Grand Traverse County with her son Chase. Lisa has been active in the community and involved with several local organizations, including Impact100TC, 20Fathoms, Grand Traverse GOP, Newcomers Club, and the Old Mission Women’s Club.
To find out more about Lisa’s campaign please visit, www.VoteTrombley.com.